GLF Schools


At Springfield we feel children learn best through positive home school partnership and in this parents and the wider community play an active role in all aspects of pupil development. The below suggests how you can best support your child at home.

Home Learning at Springfield Primary School – Year Nursery
Reading: Children should read for at least 5-10 minutes on each occasion they read. In Nursery, parents are expected to sign this once their child has read. All reading diaries should be handed in on a Friday to an adult in the classroom. It is important that children revisit the same book more than once to gain a secure understanding and to enhance their storytelling skills.

Home Learning at Springfield Primary School – Year Reception
Reading: Children should read for at least 10 minutes on each occasion they read. Discussing with your child what they have read is really important in developing their reading ability. In EYFS, parents are expected to sign this once their child has read. All reading diaries should be handed in on a Tuesday and Friday to an adult in the classroom. Children will be entered into a reading raffle if they have read four times in one week. It is important that children revisit the same book more than once to gain a secure understanding and to enhance their storytelling skills.
Mathletics: Children will be set Mathletics home learning every other week. Home learning set on Mathletics will link to the learning your child has completed in class that week.
Phonics: Children will be set phonics home learning every other week. This will be reflective of the sound(s) they have been learning at school and consist of correct letter formation activities.

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