Pupil Roles and Responsibilities
At Springfield Primary School we believe that children and young people need to be active participants in their own education and to feel that their opinions will be heard.
Our successful Pupil Parliament is a vibrant and well-respected body within the school and consists of nine pupils from years 2 to 6. The pupils presented as to why they should represent their class and then were elected fairly through a voting and ballot box system.
Pupil Parliament actively promotes pupil voice within Parliament itself and across the school for all pupils. Every class has a class suggestion box. This gives opportunity for all pupils to play an active positive role in decisions affecting them, as their ideas on topics/issues are heard and brought forward to Parliament for discussion and debate and feedback is then given to the Senior Leadership Team.
Pupil Parliament representatives develop their leadership skills, enabling the pupils to develop valuable communication, co-operation, organisational and debating skills, as well as developing a sense of responsibility. It also builds pupils confidence and self-esteem. Pupils involved in our Pupil Parliament meet regularly to discuss topics, issues and initiatives that affect them and their learning environment. As part of their responsibilities, the Parliament lead and record minutes for their own meetings, decide on an agenda, share new ideas, lead projects agreed by the Senior Leadership Team and vote on a number of school-related issues. Actions from each meeting are shared with the rest of the school and feed directly into whole school actions. The main aim for the Parliament this year is to further develop pupil voice in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.
Springfield School have appointed an Eco-Council with the mission to improve eco-sustainability across the school. Each class has an Eco-Council representative that meet frequently and the team have the task across the year to get the whole school and the wider community involved in exciting environmental projects.
The school has signed up to take part in an Eco-Schools programme. The Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers pupils to lead change within their school and have a positive impact in their wider community. The programme encourages pupils of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness.
So far this year, the Eco Committee have been part of a school-wide project to plant trees and make our grounds more diverse. They have also started their Eco review process which will enable them to consider what steps to take next. Currently, the committee are trying to improve recycling at Springfield and will be looking into initiating a fundraiser to raise money for new recycling bins.
Eco council have been working hard to maintain the Burrow and the allotments. They have also planned a bake sale to raise funds for apple trees for the allotment area. They have enjoyed a trip to Wisely this year and are ensuring their classes are working hard to win the Springfield in Bloom competition which will take place in the 3rd week of June.