GLF Schools

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Springfield Primary School’s website; I hope that you find it informative.

Springfield Primary School provides an exceptional learning environment for all children which is underpinned by the core values of:

Aspire - to be engaged, in a world of opportunity

Contribute – to be inclusive, making a positive difference

Explore – to be curious, independent in thought


The Springfield ACE is premised on an absolute commitment to support the development of pupils, in all aspects of their learning. The vehicle for this is a broad and balanced curriculum in which children academically flourish and emotionally thrive.  The curriculum is formed from six strands:

  • Maths
  • English
  • GLF wider curriculum, including the Foundation subjects
  • Inclusion, including the SEND offer
  • Pupil wellbeing, including ELSA, Thrive and Drawing and Talking therapeutic support programmes
  • Extra-curricular programme

The well-being of children is at the core of all school decisions, nurturing pupils as they develop the values embodied in the Springfield ACE.

Our beautiful grounds and excellent facilities afford children a wealth of new learning experiences, including an array of extra-curricular activities to develop more broadly their skills and wider interests.

We know the positive benefits of outdoor learning for children and so offer an onsite Forest School programme to all year groups, alongside our allotment.

Springfield Primary School is an academy within the multi-academy trust, GLF. In this we work closely with other primary and secondary schools sharing outstanding practice, expertise and resources.

Our school sits at the heart of the local community. It works in positive partnership with families and community members, collaboratively creating the best possible climate for learning.

We are immensely proud of our school and welcome new families to meet our children and dedicated team of teachers and support staff. If you would like to visit us in person to arrange a tour, please contact our school office.

We look forward to meeting with you and your child, as you begin your journey with us.


Mrs Caroline Gibbins