GLF Schools



Through the teaching of systematic phonics, our aim is for all children to become fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1 to support their transition into Key Stage 2. The children read books in line with their phonics knowledge. Children can then focus on developing fluency and comprehension throughout the school. Implementing and securing the alphabetic code as early as Nursery, means that children quickly learn to write simple words and sentences. This is helped by using the Read, Write, Inc strategies that are embedded in the children's learning daily when engaging in reading and writing activities. Attainment in phonics is measured through ongoing assessments on our online phonics tracking system, as well as the annual phonics screening check. 


Read Write Inc. Phonics is a method of teaching reading which is centred around the learning of sounds of the letters (phonics), and then blending them together to read words. The children also learn to break down words into individual sounds in order to write them.The children are assessed and grouped according to their ability. They work in small groups with a teacher and a teaching assistant. At the end of each half term the children will be assessed again to check they have made progress and will be streamed accordingly.

In addition to the Read Write Inc programme, the children will also be working on writing skills and storytelling in their classes with their own class teacher.

Using Read Write Inc, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into understanding what they read. When using 'Read Write Inc,’ the children will: learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts; learn to read words by blending the sounds together; read lively stories featuring words they have learnt to sound out; show that they understand the stories by answering 'find it' and 'prove it' discussion questions.

Read Write Inc. allows the children to spell effortlessly so that they can put their energy into working out what they want to write. When using 'Read Write Inc' to write the children will: learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent the 44 sounds; learn to write words by sounding them out and then writing the corresponding graphemes; learn to write simple and then increasingly complex sentences; compose a range of texts using discussion prompts; compose stories based on picture strips. 

Children learn to read words by blending the letter-sounds that are in the speed sound sets. Help your child learn to read words by sound-blending e.g. c-a-t = cat. Help children to say the pure sounds, as quickly as they can, and then to blend the sounds together to say the whole word.

Read Write Inc, Glossary

Digraph - (special friend) – two letters make one sound (e.g. sh, ch, ai, ea, ou, ow).
Trigraph - (special friend) – three letters make one sound (e.g. igh, ear, air, ure).
Split digraph (special friend) – two letters make one sound but the letters have been split apart by another letter. (e.g. the a - e sound in cape)
Phoneme - a single unit of sound
Grapheme - a written letter, or group of letter that represent a sound.
Blend/Fred Talk - to put or merge the sounds together to make a word (e.g. the sounds d-o-g are blended to the word ‘dog’.)
Green words - words which are decodable or follow the rules we teach children about which letters make sounds
Red words exceptions which don’t follow the rules we have taught children about letters making particular sounds (If it’s red you can’t Fred).
Segment - to break down the word into its individual sounds to spell (e.g cat can be split into the sounds c-a-t.).
Dots and dashes - ways of visually isolating different sounds in a word. We use a dot under letters where one letter makes one sound and a line understand digraphs or trigraphs.
Fred fingers for spelling - when we press the sounds in a word onto our fingers to help us spell words

Sound Mat - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Phonics_Sound_Mat.pdf

Complex Speed Chart - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Complex_Speed_Chart.pdf

Set 1 Green Words - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Set_1_Green_Words.ppt

Set 2 Green Words - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Set_2_Green_Words.ppt

Set 3 Green words - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Set_3_Green_Words_Powerpoint_.ppt

Red words set 1, 2 & 3 - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Red_words_Set_1_2_and_3_.pdf

Read Write Inc Hand & Rhymes - click to view /uploads/asset_file/Read_Write_Inc_Handwriting_Rhymes_and_Characters.pdf


Videos which will support your understanding of Read, Write, Inc. phonics:

What is Read, Write, Inc. phonics?

Understanding phonics:

How to say the sounds:

The Phonics Screening Check:

Listening to your child read:

Why read to your child:

10 things to think about when you read to your child:

Reading the stretchy sounds with your child:

Reading the bouncy sounds with your child:


Reading digraphs with your child:

Red ditty books:


The impact of the phonics is monitored and assessed through: weekly learning walks and pupil data analysis. All serve to inform a robust evaluation of practice, securing a curriculum which meets the needs of all learners.

Helpful websites to help your child at home

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